Don't tell Ryne that I've been listening to Christmas music in September; that boy is a total Scrooge when it comes to festive holiday music. It could be the most beautiful thing he has ever heard, and he will refuse to like it if its lyrics mention Christmas.
Of course, Christmas isn't the only thing I love about this season. The beautiful combination of fall and winter brings along one of my favourite things: hunting season.
In fact, a week from today archery season opens up. Last year I didn't shoot anything but ducks, and I attempted to shoot a coyote that scared away the doe that I was about to shoot, so this year I intend on catching one of the massive bucks that have been showing up on the trail cams.
Also, next month Ryne and I will be celebrating two and a half years of being together, which is easily the longest I have ever been in a relationship with someone, ever. And I'm beyond happy that it's with him. Even though he doesn't like Christmas music, he's beyond wonderful and incredibly sweet (though the Christmas music thing is dangerously close to being a deal-breaker).
And then, as if all these wonderful things weren't enough, I am going on my very first cruise, ever! My best friend Hannah and I bought our tickets to the Bahamas a couple days ago, and we haven't been able to stop talking about it since. We've created an entire Evernote notebook to keep track of everything we could possibly need to remember. It's in December, and so even though I absolutely love cold weather, my love for the beach surpasses that (I haven't seen the beach since I moved back to the States, and the ocean is calling my name).
We leave immediately after finals week, so it's going to be the ultimate de-stressing vacation ever. I'm going to be freaking ice-skating on a boat in the middle of the Bahamas, and that's not even the best part. The amount of food that I will be consuming whilst on this trip is going to be NUTS. Like, I am going to come back ten pounds heavier and ten times happier.
Now for the other, smaller things that have happened. Two posts ago I posted a picture of the cutest Roborovoskii dwarf hamster, and surprise surprise, I bought that hamster. His name is Brynjolf, after a member of the Thieves Guild from Skyrim, and he is the cutest, silliest thing.
This has led to Gallifrey spending all of his time in my room, stalking around the outside of the cage, trying to find a way in so that he can just "have a little taste" of his "friend." Poor Bryn has finally gotten used to it, and I think he's realized that nothing can get through the bars of his cage. He's adorable though, he really is. He's also crazy soft.
There's another cat who wants to be his friend as well, and it's not Silver.
My little sister and my dad went to pick up a new kitten about two weeks ago. It was really soon after Sherlock, and when Rissi told me that they were going to get her, I went into my room and cried because bringing another cat into the house was basically admitting that Sherlock was gone forever.
But Gallifrey was lonely, and he needed someone to play with now that his brother was gone. So we got Korra Reagan, a little girl who is incredibly sweet. She has to stay in my bathroom until we're positive she's litter-trained, so when I first met her, I sat on my bathroom floor and cried because I missed Sherlock so much. But she crawled into my lap and started purring, and she has slept in my room every night since then.
I still miss Sherlock every day, but this kitty needs my love too, and Sherlock always hated it when I cried.
I almost never call her by her name, though. To me, she is just Small Cat, or Tiny Cat. Either way, she responds, so I guess it gets the job done.
Now, as far as I can remember, I think the last great thing on my list of things to look forward to is NaNoWriMo season is coming! November, ever since last year, has become one of my favourite months just because I have an entire community of writers with me as we all desperately try to write fifty thousand words before the month is over.
And, in the vein of writing, I'm thinking about either adding a page to this blog or linking it to a new blog where I follow in the steps of my favourite author (Erin Morgenstern) and have small releases of short fiction I'm working on. It's still up in the air, because I have the horrible fault of being nervous about sharing my work with others. Which is an awful quality for a writer, but still, the anxiety remains.
But that's for another day to decide! God bless.
(Updates to Favourites Page!)
(Updates to Family Page!)
"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline."
2 Timothy 1:7

I think you should make a blog for your writing, I would love to see what your working on!!