College, Hunting Season, Man of God

It has definitely been a while, hasn't it? College started up again a couple weeks ago, and I alongside that and working, time has been scarce (don't judge me for playing hours of Skyrim and Majora's Mask instead of writing; it's none of your business!).
I'm a Writing major (obviously), and my minor is currently split between being American History--focusing specifically on the Colonial to Revolutionary period--or French. Both of these things I am absurdly passionate about (Pouvez-vous parlez français?), and coming to terms with the fact that I have to pick only one is quite devastating. I try my best not to think about it, and I think that I'm doing a pretty fantastic job of it. There's nothing quite like avoiding important life decisions! Ah, the thrill!
Hunting season officially opened on September 1st for doves. So, naturally, Ryne and I went, along with his dad, brother, and a couple other guys that Ryne works with. I have never been dove hunting myself, and was told that it's a lot like shooting skeet, except more difficult. They're smaller, faster, and just in general more difficult than shooting skeet.
So, not like shooting skeet at all.
Thus, much to my surprise, I managed to shoot 4 dove (though the limit is 15 and I didn't even make a third of that) and was very proud of myself. Still am, actually.
And--I get goosebumps when I think of this--archery season is right around the corner. October 1st is going to be a very, very, very good day. I have a bet with Ryne, and I have to beat him for the second year in the row. I need to shoot a bigger buck than him. Not that that should be hard (sorry not sorry, Ryne). We got a shot off of one of the trail cameras in August that makes it look like we are going to have some pretty good action out at the farm this season! Unfortunately, I have to fight Ryne, his dad, and his brother for the biggest trophy.
In other exciting news, I finally have my own room. I have been alive for 19 years and have always shared my space with one of my siblings. My older sister, Jessica, has finally moved out and gotten an apartment with a couple of her friends, thus freeing up the downstairs bedroom for myself. Ryne and Charissa helped me move my bed, desk, and assorted belongings downstairs, and I was settled in before the week was out. I'm still getting used to what it feels like to have my own personal space. I know that most everyone I know has already had their own room, probably for their whole life, and doesn't understand how big a deal this is to me.
Ryne is still slightly baffled on the subject.
Something else mildly interesting (and distressing, on my part): my wisdom teeth get to be removed! Completely extracted from my face. I am both excited about getting to feel what it's like to be put under, to have my entire face numb, and to not know what's going on. That kind of chaos will most certainly serve to amuse myself (when watching the filmed procession later) and others. Ryne has already planned a slew of things to say to me to freak me out and make me distressed when I'm under the influence of the numbing drugs. He is a true gem.
Another thing that I am excited about: the new Nancy Drew game. Anyone who has met me knows that the Nancy Drew games are something I am ridiculously obsessed over. I was introduced to them when I was around 7, when my mom purchased two of the games for my older sister. Obviously I enjoyed them much more than she did, and have been preordering each game as it comes out. This one is being released October 14, and preorders began yesterday. I would recommend them to anyone! Nancy is sassy, the dialogue and storylines are incredible. In my mind, these games and Skyrim are on par with each other.
My tooth surgery is taking place during Fall Break, and I intend on making Ryne wait on me hand and foot, regardless of his mischief. He's a sweet guy, and I am really blessed to have him in my life. The surgery is actually taking place on the day of our year and half anniversary, something that will undoubtedly be celebrated with me eating a lot of ice-cream because I can't do anything else. Ryne has had an impact on my life that I haven't truly begun to appreciate until recently. After spending so much time around him, he has opened my eyes up to a variety of new things that I would never have noticed before.
It started with small things. As an Advertising major (and a very creative and talented one, at that), Ryne takes notice of silly things like how menus look, or the logo of some obscure company. He has taught me to notice when things have been PhotoShopped, and if an image is a copy-and-paste of another for a different product. My mind has started registering these things and pointing them out to me even when it doesn't matter.
But on a more important scale, Ryne has taught me a lot about Christianity and religion in general. Because of him, I am exposed to and learning the depths of my faith. Could you believe that I was stupid enough to think that Christianity was a simple religion? That you just believe in God, confess it, and then try to do what's right? I only understood on a base level. How wrong I was.
Ryne has educated me on the intricacies of pre-tribulation and post-tribulation beliefs. Armenian and reformed theology are no longer foreign concepts to me (we actually discussed these two views in great length today at lunch). He helps me understand scriptures that I would have just breezed by, taking them only at face value. With Ryne, I see deeper into everything, I appreciate more, and I desire to understand more about my God and my faith than I ever have before. He drives me to be smarter, more educated, more aware of my surroundings and how what I do affects others.
He's just made me a better person in general, I think.
Ryne, while a big part of my life, one of the biggest things in fact, has made me realise that he isn't the biggest part of my life. While he may be where I spend most of time, energy, and thoughts on, he has shown me that he isn't all I'm supposed to be focused on. God is. Ryne is always pointing me in the right direction, always making sure I am where I need to be. He has been the constant in a world where everything constantly changes. So many people are so quick to look down on the younger generation, especially couples like Ryne and I, thinking that we are so focused on each other that we forget to look at what's really important. But the Bible addresses this, saying that even with each other and in our young years we can always be an example to others.

"Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity."
1 Timothy 4:12
Ryne is that example to me, and our relationship and how we live our lives is an example to others.
 Ryne has already made himself a role-model to my little brother, without even trying.
What I'm trying to say is: God really knows what He's doing. He sent me Ryne to make all sorts of things right, and I am forever grateful. Ryne is the love of my life, and he is starting to become something even more than that. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful man of God as my partner.

"For God saved us and called us to live a holy life. He did this, not because we deserved it, but because that was His plan from before the beginning of time—to show us His grace through Christ Jesus."
2 Timothy 1:9


  1. I'm so glad you posted again! I love reading your stuff dont stop!

  2. you should do a post on books

    1. That sounds like a fantastic idea! :)
      I'll certainly look into it. Though that post may last forever.

    2. Oh PLEASE do this!!!


If you can't say something nice, that's okay, because I hardly have anything nice to say either.



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Cassandra Anne Scott

This is me. A girl raised by her imagination, a pen, and stories scrawled wherever she finds room. An American-African with a flair for dramatics, a passion for baroque, and a dream of becoming a writer.