Vacation (No Boys Allowed!)

My best friend and I have been planning a summer trip for a while now, and whilst our original plans of going to the beach fell through, we decided to opt for the location of my favourite museum: the Nelson-Atkins. I'm a sucker for Impressionist art, and nothing gets my pulse racing like beautiful stained-glass windows. Nelson-Atkins has them all. The museum is enormous with so many beautiful pieces that despite having been several times, I have yet to see the entire selection they have to offer.
From Google Search Results
The building itself is gorgeous, inside is gorgeous, and the amazing Asian wing is beyond stunning. Writing may be my preferred medium of art, but the Nelson-Atkins has never failed to leave me slack-jawed with awe. I am very excited to get to share this experience with my best friend! I know that she too is an avid supporter of the arts, and there is not a doubt in my mind that she will enjoy it as much as I do.
We have also planned to dine at Jazz, a restaurant that serves my favourite cuisine: Cajun. Good God, I love Cajun food. Maybe this is the result of my South American-raised mother, spicy things and shellfish, but I absolutely adore it. And trust me, Oklahoma is not the place to find good Cajun.
Nelson-Atkins: European Art, Google Search Results
On another note that I find particularly exhibited by my recent Twitter feed, I am very excited about the upcoming release of a certain movie next year. Christian is a character who is very near-and-dear to my heart, and I hope that they portray him as the amazing, complicated, misunderstood character that he is. My toes usually get stepped on when good books are made into movies and they leave out some of the more crucial bits of information.
My darling returns home on his birthday, and fortunately I will have returned from my trip a day before then. I have been ridiculously restless without him nearby, and my back is in desperate need of a rub. I also need kisses. Kisses and cuddling have been missed.

"All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
~Romans 3:23


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Cassandra Anne Scott

This is me. A girl raised by her imagination, a pen, and stories scrawled wherever she finds room. An American-African with a flair for dramatics, a passion for baroque, and a dream of becoming a writer.